Author Archives: Rob Lucas

Hoax Virus Warning – BEWARE

You may have been the recipient of an email from a friend or colleague warning you of an impending virus attack that will wipe out your PC. Most of these are hoaxes, however there is another threat that you must … Read More

Beware Cold Calling IT Scams

Just when you thought those criminals couldn’t do anything worse they come up with a new scam to rid you of your hard-earned cash. We recently reported about these scams on the radio, newspaper and social networks, however we still receive numerous calls each week … Read More

Phishing Emails – Your choice

You can choose whether you want your account emptied or your credit card cloned… Users need to be aware that email Phishing is still heavily on the rise and that you can be easily fooled into thinking that these emails … Read More

Social engineering attacks on the rise

Social engineering is the process of manipulating human psychology in believing that what they are doing is the right or correct thing to do, unfortunately “there is no technical defence against a social engineering attack because defeating it requires a … Read More

Reducing your carbon footprint & IT waste

Reducing carbon emissions and IT waste is now essential and everyone must do their bit in reducing it. Some of these tips aren’t complex or expensive in fact some can even save you money. So here are our 10 top tips in reducing CO2 and … Read More

Supporting Other Broadband Services

We have been asked numerous times whether we can help assist customers connect to their service provider via broadband. Although we don’t mind assisting in getting users online, ultimately it is the responsibility of the service provider to get their … Read More

5 Simple ways to reduce junk emails

Before we explore these methods, you might be asking yourself “how did I start getting all this junk email?” There could be several reasons; you may have agreed to receiving information in an on-line survey or registration, you may have … Read More

I Spy with My Little Eye

Have you ever wondered how those pop ups that you absolutely hate got there in the first place and why every time you go onto the net you immediately get transported to a page that you didn’t ask for or … Read More