Product Review

Cost effective computer upgrades

Is your computer running slow? Below are some of the upgrades and services we offer that can bring a bit of extra life out of your PC at a fraction of the cost of a new one. If you are … Read More

What is the best password manager 2022?

Are you sick and tired of having to keep up to date on your passwords for websites in your notebook, trying to remember which one is the most recent one? It sounds like a password manager might be exactly what … Read More

Migrating from Quicken – A User’s Perspective

Customers often ask us to assist in helping them migrate from one application to another, in this case it was migrating from Intuit Quicken. However these changes have their own challenges: this is one customer’s account of her experience. After … Read More

Coming to grips with Windows 8.1 in a new computer – A Customers Prospective

We ask our customer’s for feedback, and sometimes they give it, and sometimes that feedback warrants a public discussion. In this case the customer makes some very valuable observations in to Microsoft Windows 8.1 and how the interface has become … Read More